Monday, January 09, 2006

11. Screaming From The Pyre: Chapter IX. Black Sites:Thoughts on the American Gulag and what it may mean for Europe

Secret, Top Secret, Very Very Secret..... or no secret at all?

What is the big surprise finding out that there were (are) Black Sites in Romania, Ukraine, Kosovo, Bulgaria, the Bronx? Obviously, what we are being allowed to see is merely the tip of the iceberg. Point of fact, wherever the US has a military base or military arrangement is a potential territory to house a Black..... call them what they really are Holes. Does anyone really doubt that the UK, Spain or, for that matter, Germany, hasn't been used by the US clandestine services as a moveable Black Hole at one time or another. The US treats its bases as sovereign territories

This time the news comes to the European Community by the way of an up-until-now-aloof eye on Europe, the Swiss, and by extension their Secret Service and its press (SonntagsBlick). Surprise coming from anything Bushy isn't really much of a surprise. Washington Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are trying to come to grips with an administration that has subverted its own laws and Constitution. When George le Fou came to Poland two years ago and proclaimed that there wasn't just one Europe but Two, an Old and a New, he was playing to his clients in Eastern Europe. It has been American policy to use the Eastern Europeans as a disruptive force within Europe with the purpose of splitting the EU. Again, no surprise

The Easterners provided a direct pipeline of information on confidential EU negotiations directly to Washington. (Again, no surprise). The Easterners don't credit their western cousin for their liberation, they credit the United States and share a deep sense of indebtedness to it. Whether it is deserved or not is another story. Further, it has been the policy of the Bushy Administration to split the European Alliance and, by Jove, they seem to have done a very good job at it. Finger pointing, at this point, is counterproductive. If the EU is looking to build a family, then they have to be prepared to forgive a new member of the family and hope that they don't do it again. Anything else simply plays into the hands of George la Bouche. Now that the American Gulag has been exposed, the world's democracies need to ferret out all of the Pest Holes of Washington and by exposing them....end them! The US Congress and its counterbalancing judicial system needs to have as much information as it can get for the upcoming hearings and judicial reviews.

Now, all of you who scoffed at the idea of the Millennium Bug in 2000, now must be ruing your oversight and have come to the realization that there was one all along: It was simply hiding in the Bushes.

The Imperfect Messenger